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At day care De Liefste the prices are calculated based on an hourly rate of €11,86 in 2024.

We advise you to calculate your childcare allowance (kinderopvangtoeslag) on their website of the Dutch tax administration (belastingsdienst). In this way you will be able to calculate how much the day care costs in total.



The prices down below are described as prices without childcare allowance because this depends on your salary.

In case you have any questions about the costs or how we can help you with calculating your childcare allowance, you can contact us via email or phone.



Each year on the first of January there is an increase in the price. In November this price increase will be announced.


Registration doesn’t guaranty a spot at the day care. If we have secured a spot for your child, we will contact you and directly send a contract to you. We charge 50 euros for placing your child and administration costs, this will be automatically deducted from your account by us. The placing is finalized when we receive the signed contract as well as the placing and administration cost funds.



The payment of the costs for the day care will be automatically deducted from your account by us. This will happen one month beforehand. You will also receive the childcare allowance from the Dutch tax administration beforehand.


Prices 01-01-2024 based upon the hour price of €11,86 euros per hour:

1 day a week costs €554,46 euros per month

2 days a week costs €1108,92 euros per month

3 days a week costs €1663,38 euros per month

4 days a week costs €2217,84 euros per month

5 days a week costs €2772,30 euros per month


If you want to register one or more of your children, you can click on the button ‘register’ in the menu bar found left on the screen.


If you click, you will find more information about the Childcare Act


We are registered in the nation register childcare (Landelijk register kinderopvang) under the number: 212809192.

Through the link below you can log in to have a look at this proof of registration:

Our inspection report is found under the link provided below: Landelijk register kinderopvang


You can read our terms and conditions by clicking on the link below: Algemene voorwaarden

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